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Our Services

Shamanic Divination

This involves working with the client to connect with helping spirits to seek personal information or advice for the client. Shamanic divination can be helpful for individuals who are seeking guidance and clarity in various aspects of their life.

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval involves restoring a fragmented or lost part of an individual's soul. It is understood that trauma, stress, and other life events can cause parts of the soul to fragment and become lost, resulting in feelings of disconnection, emptiness, and unhappiness.

Power Animal Retrieval

A power animal provides guidance, protection, and support to individuals on their life journey, providing a sense of protection, comfort, and emotional support, helping individuals to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Drum Healing

A technique that utilizes drumming and rhythm to facilitate healing and transformation. In shamanic tradition, the drum is seen as a powerful tool for accessing spiritual realms and connecting with spirit guides, power animals, and other helpful entities. 


A shamanic healing technique that involves removing energies, entities, and spiritual intrusions from an individual's energy field restoring balance and harmony.

Psychopomp Work

Psychopomp involves assisting the spirits of the deceased to move on to the next realm, releasing them from any ties to this world. It can be performed for individuals who have lost a loved one or for those who feel burdened by the presence of lost spirits.

All Sessions are $200 inclusive of all taxes and fees.


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